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Abdelhadi Rifai, MD, joined Cheyenne Regional Medical Group’s Heart & Vascular Institute in 2021 after completing his cardiovascular medicine fellowship at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Chicago, IL.
Dr. Rifai chose cardiology because he “was fascinated by the multi-modality approach that cardiology offers” and specifically because of “the link between physical exams to imaging to interventional procedures—all with the aim of improving a patient’s quality of life.” Dr. Rifai also enjoys the continuous learning and complexity that cardiology has to offer.
Dr. Rifai is well-versed in all noninvasive imaging modalities—from echocardiograms to nuclear to cardiac computed tomography angiography. He is also passionate about caring for patients diagnosed with heart failure, having trained in the biggest heart failure center in the Midwest.
Given his training and experience, Dr. Rifai has been appointed as the medical director of the Heart & Vascular Institute’s heart failure treatment program. As the medical director, Dr. Rifai’s goal is to “optimize treatments so that we can provide the best quality of life for our patients.”

