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We, at Al Aqsa Halat Meat & Store, welcome you to shop for the finest grocery items and 100% halal meat. We take pride in our services that have been facilitating the Muslim community for years. We understand that finding 100% halal and high-quality can become challenging at times. We wanted to save our prestigious clients from this hassle. So, we decided to provide a full-fledged halal meat service at our store. We believe in no-compromise-on-quality policy and follow it religiously. The quality of our products speaks for itself. Purchasing halal meat from our store will change your experience forever.
We at Al-Aqsa understand the need for halal meat in the Muslim Community. We know that meat is a major part of our diet. And every Muslim household needs halal meat on most days of a week to cook a delish meal.

However, it is not possible to get the finest quality halal meat on foreign lands. We have seen people struggling to find reliable meat sellers years ago. So, we had decided to make it easier for people in our community. Now, Al-Aqsa is your go-to place to purchase halal meat in Philadelphia.

Fresh Halal Meat Online Delivery
We only sell the meat of healthy and fit animals. We have the highest quality beef and mutton. We prefer farm-grown animals because their owners pay extra attention to their diet and health. Since we do not want to compromise on our halal meat service, we only got our meat from trustworthy and reliable dealers. Our meat is fresh. We do not store it for the longest time.

We believe in selling the finest quality fresh meat, so it adds taste and flavor to your meals. Our customers know that our animals are healthy that is why they choose us over others. And we spare no effort in providing the best yet halal to the members of our community.


