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Allen Harim recently launched a brand update of the company’s Halal chicken product line. The new name is Oasis All Natural Chicken, which will replace the current Al Mazra’ ah Halal brand.

New packaging began appearing in local grocery stores throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast United States in November, the company said. The chicken is 100% vegetarian fed and free of hormones and steroids.

“Customers tell us they want more than Halal; they want to know the chicken itself is of premium quality, safe and all natural,” said Jack Coleman, senior director of sales and marketing at Allen Harim. “We are very pleased by the progress of our Halal line and believe this new look and feel will please our customer base and encourage even more growth.”

Halal products are set to grow 5% annually between 2015 and 2020, according to market research from Euromonitor International. The company found that religious and ethnic diversity is driving the demand. The halal product market is currently worth $45.3 billion, and it is forecast to reach $58.3 billion by 2020.
Allen Harim is a leading producer of No Antibiotic Ever chicken with deep roots on the Delmarva Peninsula and across the Mid-Atlantic. With nearly 100 years of experience, our company employs more than 1,800 team members and contracts with more than 220 family farmers. Our dedication to our customers, to deliver quality, service, and value is the cornerstone of our company. Our commitment to animal welfare, environmental concerns, and giving back to the community will always be at the forefront



