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Almarwa Sunrise Meat Cooksville

Almarwa Sunrise Meats is more than just a name, it’s our brand. Halal meats are available in our butcher shops. giving customers everything they require.
At Almarwa Sunrise Meats, our passion lies with product quality, consistency and service. With a wealth of knowledge drawn from decades within the meat industry (same as the home page), our sales team not only takes your order, but carefully hand-selects all products according to your requirements and ensures that your every need is met. Almarwa Sunrise Meats cater to a wide range of clientele from some of Canada’s biggest supermarket chains, food service providers, wholesalers and butchers (same as the home page).

In close collaboration with high-end brands, we offer a wide range of quality chilled and frozen red meat (beef, mutton, lamb and goat) white meat (poultry and turkey), offal and specialty items.

With our dedicated staff, we have the unique product knowledge and expertise through the whole supply chain, which ranges from animal breeding, animal care, and cutting to production, storing, and product development. We work tirelessly within the market to ensure both customers and suppliers are kept up to date with trends. We provide solutions to solving issues for any point of contact in the supply chain.

As one of Canada’s food distribution industry’s most prominent meat suppliers, we are passionately contributing to grocery development and supply of new and innovative foods, including retort processed meat solutions. We are always happy to try different ways and provide alternative options to find the most efficient and effective solutions together with you.


Certified by:
Self Claimed Halal

