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Baker McKenzie has one of the world’s leading Islamic finance practices, with our specialist team based in traditionally key Islamic finance centres including Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), Qatar, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and our associated offices in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh and Jeddah). Notwithstanding their physical location, our people advise clients globally on Islamic finance matters. Members of our team have previously worked in-house at Islamic financial institutions and accordingly are familiar with internal processes, including how to work effectively with Shariah advisory boards. Our long-standing relationships with Shariah scholars and third-party Shariah advisory firms also help to inform our advice.
Our lawyers are experienced in structuring, documenting and advising on a wide range of Islamic banking and finance products currently being used by Islamic banks and financial institutions, including murabaha, mudaraba, Istisna’a and parallel Istisna’a, ijara, musharaka, wakala, sukuk, Islamic funds and Islamic treasury products. We apply our expertise to acquisition financings, project financings, export financings, real estate and asset financings, structured financings and capital markets transactions, as well as complex restructurings. Our experience across products, combined with integrated, complementary advice from other areas of specialism such as tax, means that we are uniquely placed to deliver comprehensive solutions to our clients.

Please Talk to their Islamic Finance experts for your Sharia-compliant business needs.

