Muslims and non-Muslims alike typically associate halal with food. To be halal however requires a certain lifestyle and a certain perspective. It is about making a conscious decision to give your mind and body its due right. It is about making the choices in life that in turn give us healthier living. With that being said, the term “Halal” itself simply means “permissible”. It is what you allow to enter into your mind and body, through actions & food. It is simply avoiding that which is harmful to your living. Rather than thinking one must live a boring lifestyle to be considered “halal”, it’s quite the opposite. Instead of focusing on what you cannot be doing, think about everything you could be doing. Our general perspective to be Halal is to think everything in this world is halal (permissible), except for just a few things that are not. With this perspective, living halal can be easier than expected and more rewarding for your body. Part of living halal is what you eat. If you are what you eat, then what you eat should be halal.
StoreHalal meat productsWild Harvest ground meatMeat products
Our focus in Balady is the food we sell. We work hard to ensure everything we service and offer in store is halal. Meat is a very sensitive choice for many people. Choosing the right meat for consumption should be done with care and concern.
At Balady, an important factor in determining what meat to offer our customers is based on the origins of the animal, in that, it’s been raised and treated with care, and most importantly certified Halal. The animal itself chooses to live halal and no one should interfere with that. It should live a life void of injections, abuse, confinement, & inappropriate food. Its well treatment should also be carried out in sacrifice. The method of halal slaughter is by far the most humane and cleanest one. With all blood being completely drained, we should have no worry of remaining bacteria and toxins harming consumers.
Visit Balady’s meat department to find out where we get our meats. Where we get our meat is no secret. We proudly display our meat sources and their Halal Certifications. Demanding to know the source of the meats you consume should be a priority.