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As one of the world’s leading providers of trust services, we understand the principles of Islamic Finance and the codes and practices that govern it.
Our depth of experience and capital markets expertise provide a multitude of solutions across a diverse range of Islamic Finance transactions.

Some of the structures that we support for Islamic finance include the following: Sukuk certificates, Shari’a compliant notes, Trust certificate programmes, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Ijara, Ijara wa’iqtina leases, Istisna’a financing, Bai salama, Al-Wakala, Musharaka, Al-Wakala-bel-Istihmar.

In addition to our standard agency and custodial role types, we can provide you with the following roles and services for our Islamic finance clients:

Delegate Trustee
Sukuk Noteholder Representative
Security Agent / Collateral Agent
Listing Agent
Escrow Agent

