A division of Cambridge International, CES is the world’s largest metal conveyor belt manufacturer and a global leader in filtration screens. For more than a century, Cambridge has developed dynamic solutions, revolutionizing industry automation and plant operations. With more than 15 exclusive product lines and over 50 patents, our team of dedicated engineers and experts continually devise new methods to make lines run smoother, faster, and handle more product weight. Cambridge Metal Conveyor Belts Certified Halal
Company avoids pork fats for lubrication; manufactures belts using 100% synthetic products
(Cambridge, Maryland, USA) Cambridge Engineered Solutions, the world’s largest manufacturer of metal conveyor belts, today announced that all its products have been certified halal (permissible by Islamic dietary laws) by U.S. based Islamic Services of America (ISA). The designation by the independent certification organization provides food processors – and ultimately consumers – assurance that nothing haram (forbidden) was used during food preparation, cooking, cooling or packaging.
“For the more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the world, halal certification tells consumers that the meat, poultry, baked goods and other foods they eat were prepared according to Islamic dietary guidelines,” said Tracy Tyler, Cambridge CEO. “Unfortunately, most food processors don’t realize that metal conveyor belts are traditionally manufactured with animal byproduct lubricants, most commonly pork fat, and therefore not permissible.”
Cambridge uses 100% synthetic products in belt manufacturing. The company voluntarily sought halal certification to guarantee its food industry customers that their conveyor belts – an integral part food processing – were compliant with Islamic dietary law.
As more companies look to serve this growing market — Islam is the world’s second largest and fastest growing religion — Cambridge recognized the need for processing solutions that assured food industry customers their products were prepared in accordance with Islamic dietary guidelines.
“As a global leader in conveyor equipment, we believe it’s both good and responsible business that the equipment we make and sell to food processing companies around the world could meet the dietary requirements of more than one billion observant Muslims,” said Dion Banks, Cambridge’s Director of Global Affairs.”
Cambridge voluntarily applied for the designation by the ISA, a respected credentialing organization. Cambridge is the only metal belt manufacturer with a current halal certification by the ISA.
Cambridge’s halal certified conveyor belts include some of the company’s most popular products for the poultry, meat and baking industries: Chain Drive, Cam-Grid, Precision, Sanigrid, Durahinge, DuraFlex and Cambri-Link and DuraLite.
Cambridge is the world’s largest manufacturer of metal conveyor belts for food processing industry. With an international network of sales agents in 30 countries the company designs, fabricates, installs and services conveyors belts in areas serving Muslim communities in the Mid-East, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Africa.
Certified by:
Halal Certified by ISA