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The Certified Angus Beef ® brand product must meet each individual country’s import requirements and regulations, and come from a certified halal organization approved by the country.
It was 1978. Getting a great steak at home or even at a restaurant was hit or miss. The Certified Angus Beef ® founders said, “You know what? We can do better. We can lay down a set of uncompromising standards for taste and then find the best Angus ranchers to help us.”

The eventual result was the Certified Angus Beef ® brand, the heartland’s first premium brand of beef. A veritable who’s who of ranchers, along with Dr. Bob VanStavern, a renowned meat scientist from The Ohio State University, helped develop the uncompromising set of standards that are still part of the brand’s foundation today.

Decades later, the vision to be the best of the best remains. Which is why every cut of our beef is judged on 10 exacting quality standards. And why no other brand of beef is as juicy, as tender or as full of flavor. A lot’s changed since 1978 – but we’re still the same collection of family ranchers dedicated to producing beef of uncompromising quality.


Certified by:
Self Claimed Halal

