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Beauty and the Bee has always been a part of the Dutchman’s Gold family. As founders John and Annie Van Alten built their honey business while raising five growing children, they came to realize that the beehive offers so much more.
While John busily tended to the beehives, Annie carefully handcrafted skin healing recipes in the family kitchen using raw honey, beeswax and royal jelly, selling her potions locally and at farmer’s markets.
We’ve since outgrown the family kitchen but continue to offer baby-safe, natural skin care products, fully inspired by Annie’s vision of ‘wellness from the hive.’At Dutchman’s Gold, it is our mission to make you smile every time you consume one of our products. We are committed to providing healthy, natural, safe products from the hive that enrich the lives of our customers, our bees and our environment. Honey & Honey Based Products


Certified by:
Halal Certified by ISNA Halal Certification Agency

Please contact Dutchman’s Gold Honey for a complete list of their Skin Care halal products.
Source link of their Halal Status: https://isnahalal.com/business/dutchmans-gold-honey/

