  • imageAccountants
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  • imageFashion
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  • imageFood & Beverage
  • imageLawyers
  • imageMatrimonial
  • imageOrganizations
  • imagePharmacy
  • imagePhysicians
  • imageRestaurants
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Travel

Global Growth Assets Inc (Global Iman Fund)

Global Iman Fund is a socially responsible Shari’ah compliant global equity fund that avoids investing in certain kinds of businesses or sectors such as alcohol, tobacco, pork related products, f­inancial services, weapons, defense, entertainment and gambling. An investor in the Fund would have a moderate risk tolerance and a medium- to long-term investment horizon.

To achieve its fundamental investment objective, under normal circumstances the Fund will invest: a) directly in equity securities of public companies listed on the Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index series (IMXLT); b) in instruments that mirror the performance of the IMXLT or instruments that mirror the performance of a selection of public companies listed on the IMXLT; and c) other investments that have been deemed Shari’ah compliant by an applicable Shari’ah advisory committee.

