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GPI began in 1989 as a small proprietorship trading food products and medium-grade Carrageenan to blenders in Canada. We grew rapidly to become a business that provided specialized Carrageenan to meat processing clients in the Americas and Europe, whom we supported with technical assistance. The company – comprising a small, dedicated and highly capable team at the time – was incorporated in 1992.

To meet our clients’ increasingly complex needs, we expanded our business operations in order to innovate beyond what was traditionally available in the market. In 1998, we established our first seaweed processing plant through a joint-venture in Indonesia. This was followed in 2000 with a wholly-owned seaweed chip processing facility in the Philippines, supported in 2001 by a powder processing facility in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, 50 kms. north of Toronto, utilizing proprietary technology. These integrated operations enabled GPI to produce uniquely functional Carrageenan sought by our customers, who by then had grown to become highly diverse and global in nature. Our technologies gained greater traction as the competitive differentiators for our customers and they in turn became more ready to explore new ideas and processes with us.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by IFANCC

Source link of their Halal Status: https://www.ifancc.org/certified

