  • imageAccountants
  • imageCosmetics
  • imageFashion
  • imageFinancial
  • imageFood & Beverage
  • imageLawyers
  • imageMatrimonial
  • imageOrganizations
  • imagePharmacy
  • imagePhysicians
  • imageRestaurants
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Travel

HSEQ Professionals is a US based Consultancy, Training, Certification and Structural Engineering Business firm operating in the US, Middle East & Asian regions. HSEQ Professionals is widely recognized as the benchmark of Quality, Integrity and Commitment.
We are affiliated with IOSH, IQCS Certification Sdn Bhd (CQI and IRCA Approved Training Partner ATP No: 01180136), PMI, ASHI and OSH Academy.

We support our clients to manage their Exposure to risk, Comply with the latest legislation, Improve business performance and Encourage workforce engagement. Our customers choose us for our considerable Industry experience, sector specialisms and the breadth of support we provide through our Professionals. We have proudly trained more than 10,000 delegates around the globe and continue to evolve as one of the finest professional training and consultancy providing company in the world of business.

