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Ivanhoe Industries, Inc. is a privately held, family owned specialty chemical manufacturer located in Zion, IL which is equal distance between Chicago, IL and Milwaukee, WI. Our product line consists of foam control agents, non-ionic surfactants, release agents and hydrophobic silica that are used as additives in a wide range of consumer packaged goods and chemical formulations. Ivanhoe’s market focus is predominately food processing, fermentation, and agricultural applications, but we are developing industrial markets such as oil field, lubricants, and wastewater treatment applications.

Ivanhoe has always utilized bio-based raw materials to manufacture our products and always consider sustainable and environmentally friendly concepts in our product development. We are backwards integrated into many of our raw materials and look to offer highly concentrated and efficient foam control agents, and precision dosing systems to reduce cost, reduce carbon footprint, and create new value for our customers.

We apply our sense of family loyalty to our dealings with customers and how we treat our employees. We have both customers and employees who have been with us since the very beginning and we are constantly developing new ones as well. Our customers and our employees will be responsible for our continued success and they will always have first consideration in our decision making processes.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by American Halal Foundation

