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Masjid Abu Bakar (East Mesa Mosque)

Masjid Abubakar is a nonprofit religious organization duly registered in the state of Arizona. It possesses tax-exempt status in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC § 501(c)(3)). The organization is currently experiencing significant growth, which is made possible through the generous support of our community members.
The primary objective of Masjid Abubakar is to serve as a comprehensive place of worship, creating an inclusive Islamic environment for individuals and families alike. We are committed to providing authentic Islamic education that enriches the knowledge and understanding of our faith.
Additionally, Masjid Abubakar facilitates dawah programs aimed at promoting awareness and appreciation of Islam among diverse audiences. We also act as a critical resource for community members, offering guidance and support that addresses various needs.

Our commitment extends to the development and implementation of programs that align with our mission and objectives, utilizing available resources to enhance the spiritual, educational, and social well-being of the East Mesa, Arizona community and its neighboring cities.

