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Western Canadian producers recognize the value of their products for a world market. Prairie Halal Foods was created to produce, prepare and promote these gourmet food products for consumers in the Middle East.
Prairie Halal Foods member producers adhere to a strict Halal procedure on all products. Our Halal requirements are not only limited to the materials and ingredients used, but also include all aspects of preparation, processing, packaging, distribution and all related processes. We understand that with Halal food, cleanliness and hygiene are very closely related to food safety.

Our protocol is based on guidelines provided by various agencies including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Malaysian Standards for Halal Food Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage, and the requirements for intra-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) trade in Halal food.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by ISNA Halal Certification

