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Pure Ground Ingredients is an importer of organic herbs, spices, botanicals + chilies. We purchase organic ingredients raw, process in-house in our facility in Northern Nevada and sell to food + beverage manufactures across the United State and Europe. We strive to provide the best in organic ingredients all while empowering farmers and communities around the world.

At PGI, we like to think of ourselves as the bridge between farmers of organic ingredients and manufacturers of organic products- and our most important role is being a friend to both. It didn’t take us long to learn that farmers thrive when our customers thrive, and vice versa- so we work every day to play a role that adds value to both parties. We source ingredients from over 35 different countries and are on a continuous mission to both improve product quality and ensure economic vitality for our farmers and their communities as well as for our customers. We replenish land, invest in communities, develop education programs, and do everything we can to support sustainable practices, a healthy plant and happy people


