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Salam Nurition Inc. Sweet Sunnah

We are located in the picturesque village of Liberty, New York. A small community in beautiful Upstate New York.What started out as a small family business in a renovated barn, has now grown into a full manufacturing and packaging corporation in a 12,000 sq ft warehouse of quality Black Seed Herbal products. Sweet Sunnah™ represents a return to incorporating naturally pure and simple healing herbs into our lives to facilitate the health conscious consumer. Black seed (Nigella sativa) is surprisingly not a very well known herb in the United States, but is currently enjoying an upsurge in popularity due to recent published scientific research that confirms its many properties.

We still produce our products in small batches with careful attention to detail and quality. our product line has been produced through the hard work and research of dedicated people. We have created our line of products using only the highest quality ingredients. By using the best ingredients and having strict quality control, you can stand behind these items 100%. We start with using only using only clean, aromatic, non-irradiated , wild crafted black seed (Nigella sativa), grown without pesticides or herbicides, and add only the finest, purest ingredients to create a synergy that truly may works to promote health and healing. We are answering a demand from people who want to realize the many benefits of incorporating the use of Black Seed herb into their health regime.

We are clearly focused on providing our consumers with the best in Black Seed herbal therapies. We believe that the pursuit for a healthy lifestyle and natural wellness should not be compromised. Truly, the benefits of using Black seed are real, Experience it for yourself!


Certified by:
Self Claimed Halal

Please contact Salam Nurition for a complete list of their halal products.

