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Shams Halal Meat Based in coquitlam and Serving Community all over canada since last 18 years. we bring quality of meat products for our cleints, where we specialize in lamb, chicken, Beef, goat and ducks. At
Shams Halal Meat you will get Wholesale halal lamb, beef and goat products in full carcasses, bone-in and
boneless. Shams Halal meat has trusted name with supplier where you can use our product in restaurant ,
Grocery shops, convenience store and we provides supplies for special events and marriages.

Shams Halal Meat is always looking for new wholesale and retail customers. We offer high quality products
and high quality delivery at right temperature with Professional packaging. You will get always clean and fresh, reliable fast delivery.

The Shams Meat Company was initiated 18 years ago in response to a growing consumer demand for meat products produced without the use of any artificial inputs. Our aim is to provide meat products that are
superior to those of our competitors and to ensure its quality by monitoring each step of processing. our own stringent meat grading standards.

Established as a meat company in 18 years ago, we built an national sales network for Canadian meat products, which is second to none. Privately owned and proudly Canadian, we provide our country buyers with access to the very best Canadian Meat – from the right places at the right times all year round.

Whilst the majority of meat supplied by our company ,we also source and supply other types of meat and meat products for our export clients including veal, mutton, lamb, chicken and associated by-products, all from highly reputable processors across Canada.


Certified by:
Self Claimed Halal

