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At Solvay, we are mastering the elements essential to our world. We believe in science and we thrive on process innovation. Informed by and contributing to megatrends, our journey spans many sectors including agriculture, feed and food, automotive, construction, consumer goods and healthcare, electronics, resources, environment, energy and industrial applications. And it’s our aim to maintain market leadership while supplying a diverse range of end markets supporting our vision.
n the food industry, our products support the sector across a wide range of areas, from enhancing food processing and prolonging the shelf life of perishable goods, to offering safe and sustainable food packaging.

Solvay has produced Bicar®Food, a high-quality food-grade sodium bicarbonate for biscuits, baked goods, and effervescent drinks for more than 150 years. Our calcium chloride Caso®Food also has many uses in the food and beverage industry – such as in cheese processing or to increase the shelf life of canned fruits and vegetables. While Tixosil® is a fine, hydrophilic silica powder that prevents particle clumping and caking and improves processing efficiency by enabling more accurate weighing on scales.

Food packaging not only needs to keep food safe, but also maintain the quality of the product and minimize food waste by extending shelf-life. At Solvay, we work closely with our clients to implement high aseptic packaging, cleaning in place (CIP), and food contact sanitization standards. We’re committed to ensuring products are made and packaged in a safe, sterile, and sustainable environment. This ranges from aseptic carton and paper packaging for beverages to greaseproof coatings, glass for bottles and jars, and plastic for film, casings, and bottles.

Solvay is a global leader in the production of sodium carbonate. In glass production, Soda Solvay® is used as a melting and flux agent to lower the melting point of silica and, as a result, reduces the process’s energy consumption. Soda Solvay® is also used to reduce plastic in food packaging.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by Halal Control

Worldwide Production Facilities.

