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St. Clair Ice Cream is one of the most popular ice cream suppliers to independent dairy bars and restaurants in Southern Ontario. We have been assisting dairy bars with set up and ongoing support for over half a century. The late Albert E. Percival founded St. Clair Ice Cream in 1932, with an ice cream plant and dairy bar on St. Clair Avenue in Toronto’s west end. St Clair was the first to introduce the double dip cone to Toronto. Today, St. Clair remains a family business, manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing ice cream, sherbet, kosher non-dairy and kosher chalav-yisroel ice cream.

One of the keys to St Clair Ice Cream’s success is to sell only the best products. This will enable you to establish customer loyalty and repeat business. St. Clair Ice Cream is made with only the freshest, top quality ingredients. Our enormous selection of delicious, colourful ice cream flavours are made especially for scooping in dairy bars and restaurants.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by ISNA Halal Certification Agency

Source link of their Halal Status: https://isnahalal.com/business/st-clair-ice-cream/

