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When you see our branded products, you can be assured that all the Islamic guidelines have been followed. All Halal processes have been followed and attested. Meats and products that carry the Texas Halal™ or Crescent Ranch Halal™ brand are certified Halal for all consumers to enjoy. You can find our brands in select HEB Grocery stores.

In January of 2003 Tex-Med Beef Company was incorporated based in Texas. The company name was taken from two of it’s original founders who were from Texas and the Mediteranian. The objective was to offer Halal meats for consumption by the Muslim community. Adherence to both the strict Halal requirements and the recently passed Texas law (HB470) became the foundation of the company’s operations. For more information concerning Halal requirements and State laws, please visit www.authentichalal.org

The company wanted the consumer to be able to communicate directly with the “Blesser”, if there were any questions regarding the Halal procedures and adherence to Islamic requirements.

With the assistance and support of several individuals from the Muslim community in Houston and San Angelo,Texas the company started by selling carcass beef, lamb and goats to community stores.

Today, Tex-Med features the Texas Halal label in over fifty stores across Texas.


