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Turkish Women’s Initiative (TWI)

The Turkish Women’s Initiative (TWI) provides innovative, practical, and sustainable leadership programs for girls and women.
When women develop leadership skills, believe in their own self-empowerment, and can demonstrate new expressions of courage and resilience, they serve as important role models for their families and communities.

Through educational leadership opportunities that promote economic independence and civic engagement, we strengthen the potential of girls and women to become active, responsible and productive members of their societies. In so doing, they advance society’s growth and prosperity.

Since its launch in 2009, TWI’s learning-by-doing learning programs have changed the lives not only of the Turkish university women it serves, but by extension thousands of other women, men, and children (and counting).

With a solid model and successes now established, we are working to expand. Our intent is to make our programs available to more women in Turkey and beyond.

