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VIVRE Cosmetics is an up and coming luxury makeup brand made for the bold and independent individual.
It started with one vision: to create chic and trendy premium high quality products free of harmful ingredients. We know that in our day and age, ensuring that you don’t put harmful ingredients on your skin is an absolute must. Someone who is busy with a 9-5 or living out their wildest dreams can’t be bothered by poor quality products.
We recognized that there was a need for products like this as more and more people became aware of what they put in and on their bodies. Thus came the inception of VIVRE Cosmetics. We knew we only wanted to sell the highest quality products and soon began a long search for manufacturers who could deliver products that were both high in quality and without harmful ingredients. Made in the US, our cosmetics are cruelty free, paraben free, halal and mineral based. Most of our products are also vegan, organic and non-gmo. We know that people will fall in love with them. If we cannot find a product that meets our high standards, we simply will not sell it.
We don’t want you to have to worry about what goes on your skin. We’d rather you leave that to us and enjoy the bigger things in life. We have plans to launch even more products in the near future and are always testing new products to deliver to you the best we can find. So stay tuned, there is much, much more to come loves.


