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Duchesnay Inc. is a privately held Canadian pharmaceutical company dedicated to improve the health and quality of life of pregnant women and to the advancement of maternal-fetal medicine and scientific research to reduce the risk of drug-related birth defects. Duchesnay develops safe and effective pharmacological solutions for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Duchesnay Inc., a pharmaceutical company specialized in the development of medications to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, is pleased to announce that its prescription product Diclectin® indicated for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) has received Kosher and Passover certification from the Kashruth Council of Canada (COR). The same product has also received Halal certification from the ISNA Halal Certification Agency.

Both certifications, which were granted by well recognized and independent organizations, ascertain that products are manufactured according to high standards of preparation and selection of ingredients. Diclectin® is the third of our prescription products for pregnant women to receive both certifications. We are proud that our prenatal multivitamins PregVit® and PregVit folic 5® have already received both Kosher-Passover and Halal certifications from the same respective organizations”, stated Carole Boyer, Duchesnay’s Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and Communications.

“We have been working for almost a decade to ensure that our health products meet the needs of cultural and religious communities in Canada so that all pregnant women can have access to needed medications without restrictions. Moreover, our three products are also gluten, lactose and tartrazine free, for the benefit of the thousands of Canadian women suffering from celiac disease or gluten intolerance and women with lactose intolerance, for example” added Carole Boyer.

Diclectin®, PregVit® and PregVit folic 5® are prescription products. They should be prescribed only by a qualified healthcare professional in Canada.


Certified by:
Halal Certified by ISNA Halal Certification Agency

Source Link of Halal Status: https://isnahalal.com/business/duchesnay-inc/

